Traffic Lane Grey – Not with GreenWay Carpet Cleaning

Amazing Results Las-Vegas-carpet-cleaning

Over ten year old carpet that other cleaning companies could not get out. GreenWay Carpet Cleaning told you we have been in business for over 13 years and how we are an obsessed carpet cleaner with perfecting our cleaning equipment, we also have been making the best chemical concoctions to yes, get rid of the […]

GreenWay Carpet Cleaning New Mobile Site Is Ready

GreenWay Carpet Cleaning Las Vegas Mobile Site

I know, it has been a long time coming, if my mind serves me right 10 years, yes ten years in the making. It’s finally done, well at least the home page for now. Just like anything we do at GreenWay Carpet Cleaning we make sure every little detail is perfect, clean, modern, and super […]

Best carpet cleaning business cards

Custom Built Business Cards Carpet Cleaning

We decided to make our business cards as simple as possible. Do you think we could have gotten away with taking the phone number off? We really wanted to, maybe next year we will be able to just scan the cards with our eyes and it will automatically call the carpet cleaning business on the […]

Move Out Carpet Cleaning in Las Vegas – Before & After

After Carpet Cleaning Las Vegas

We were able to restore this carpet here this morning for one of our favorite customers. It was at a pretty bit apartment complex we are known for cleaning in. Take a look at the pictures and what we were able to achieve in a same day service. We have still been busy despite the […]

Do I Need a Rug Pad on Hardwood Floors?

What kind of rugs are safe for hardwood floors in Las Vegas

What kind of rugs are safe for hardwood floors? No Rugs are Safe for Hardwood Floors Even if they are double sided and smooth as silk, dirt and sand will get trapped between the rug and your beautiful hardwoods or tile. Protect them with plastic! Hope this helped out our customers Las Vegas, let us […]